In a post-apocalyptic snow world, two opposing factions race to extract a powerful energy source. Defend your train against your enemy and eliminate their train or get out of their reach!
Terminus is a multi-platform action game developed by 4 computer science students for the game programming seminar at Hasso-Plattner-Institute.
In only 5 months we created a fast-paced, cross-platform game which takes the player to a foreign world. You control a train that contains an incredibly important artefact called the pentachoron. You will have to fend off opponents trying to destroy your train in order to steal the artefact. In order to protect the pentachoron you need to be fast and decisive. Switching between defensive actions like reparing your own train and offensive, shooting at your opponent to destroy and disable their wagons. The game offers a challenging AI opponent or lets you play against your friends through local wifi connection.
For more information and the download link visit the Terminus project page at http://terminus-game.com.